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Hip Hop As Medicine
Critical Race & Ethnic Studies
Spring 2020
Fridays: 12:00 - 3:40 pm
This course introduces the economic, ideological, and cultural roles of media in our society and racial hegemony. Students will have the opportunity of participating in a community-engagement project focused on hip-hop with youth from the Gang Rescue and Support Project (GRASP).

Women Writing Resistance
GWST 2700-2
Spring 2020
Monday & Wednesdays: 2:00 - 3:50 pm
Poets, bloggers, novelists, reporters, mothers, daughters, activists, survivors; Women have always written our resistance to systems and structures that would relegate us to second-class status.
In this class, we will read, discuss, and analyze resistance writing by women from late 20th and early 21st centuries. We will also write our own narratives of resistance.

Critical Latinx Indigeneities & Higher Education
Indigenous Latinx (IL) children and youth are a growing population that has often been rendered invisible in U.S. Schools. These Indigenous children and youth are often subsumed within the "Latina/o/x" and/or "Hispanic" category that homogenizes what it means to be "Latinx" or Latin American. Such homogenization, which is a continuation of colonial projects, erases Indigenous peoples' backgrounds and identities while creating dominant radicalized and linguistic categories (e.g., "white", "Latina/o/x", "Hispanic"). An outcome of this homogenization is the reproduction of inequitable power dynamics.
In this doctoral seminar, we will examine the intersections of Latix Indigeneities and Higher Education to better understand how Indigenous Latinx communities define and constitute Indigeneity across multiple and overlapping colonialities and racial geographies, and, especially, how these experiences overlap with and shape their educational experiences.