Climate Justice
IRISE has assembled a team of DU faculty from across campus to strategically plan events and opportunities for students, faculty and community organization leaders to engage in climate justice research and policy advocacy. Join us in April when IRISE will host a series of speakers and university-wide classes related to climate justice. We will welcome Dr. Nadia Kim of Loyola Marymount University and author of Refusing Death: Immigrant Women and the Fight for Envrionmental Justice in LA and Ean Thomas Tafoya of GreenLatinos.
Join IRISE as we kickoff the DU 2022 Diversity Summit with the Climate Justice Series.
IRISE Climate Justice Series:
When: Tuesday, April 12th
Location: Community Commons Grand Forum Room 1700
11:00am-12:00pm: Teach-In 2 Teach-Out with Ean Thomas Tafoya
12:30-2:00pm: Roundtable dialogue and lunch with Dr. Nadia Kim, Ean Thomas Tafoya, and Dr. Linda Mendez Barrientos. Lunch will be provided for the first 75 people. Click here to register.
3:00-4:00pm: Teach-In 2 Teach-Out with Dr. Nadia Kim
The IRISE Climate Justice events are made possible through collaboration with the Center for Sustainability, Center for Immigration Policy and Research (CIPR), Center for Community Engaged Scholarship and Learning (CCESL), DU Grand Challenges, and the Ilif School of Theology Eco Justice Center.
Climate Justice at DU
Academic Programs & Centers
Environmental Sustainability Program at Korbel
GSSW Ecological Justice Concentration
Ethics and Ecological Economics Forum at Iliff
Center for Eco Justice
Winter Quarter 2022 Courses
ECON 2360: Economics: Ecology
EPM 4001: Environmental Foundations
EALC 2002: The Impact of Development on the Environment
EPM 4232: Sustainability: Policy & Practice
EPM 4200: Environmental Law
EPM 4234: Climate Change & Science
EPM: 4400: Environmental Values & Ethics
INTS 2703: Climate Change
INTS 3111: Migration & Development
INTS 4655: Negotiating Environmental Conflict & Policy
Upcoming Events

Sustainability Conference
February 18, 2021. Details forthcoming

Climate Justice & Migration Roundtable

CIRC Series
Center for Immigration Research and Policy virtual series with Robin Wall Kimmerer from April 18-21

Green Justice in Denver
DU Grand Challenges, CCESL and the DU Urban Sustainability Cohort will present Green Justice in Denver on April 21st 2021. Details coming soon!

Dr. Nadia Y Kim - Book Talk @ Tattered Cover
The industrial-port belt of Los Angeles is home to eleven of the top twenty oil refineries in California, the largest ports in the country, and those racist monuments we call freeways. In this uncelebrated corner of La La Land through which most of America's goods transit, pollution is literally killing the residents. In response, a grassroots movement for environmental justice has grown, predominated by Asian and undocumented Latin@ immigrant women who are transforming our political landscape--yet we know very little about these change makers. In Refusing Death, Nadia Y. Kim tells their stories, finding that the women are influential because of their ability to remap politics, community, and citizenship in the face of the country's nativist racism and system of class injustice, defined not just by disproportionate environmental pollution but also by neglected schools, surveillance and deportation, and political marginalization. The women are highly conscious of how these harms are an assault on their bodies and emotions, and of their resulting reliance on a state they prefer to avoid and ignore. In spite of such challenges and contradictions, however, they have developed creative, unconventional, and loving ways to support and protect one another. They challenge the state's betrayal, demand respect, and, ultimately, refuse death.
Nadia Y. Kim is Professor of Sociology at Loyola Marymount University. She is the author of the award-winning book Imperial Citizens (Stanford, 2008).
Featured Resources
Gonna Trouble the Water: Ecojustice, Water and Environmental Racism by Dr Miguel de la Torre, Iliff School of Theology. To deny water is to deny life. Firmly grounded at the intersection of environmentalism and racism, Gonna Trouble the Water considers the sacred nature of water and the ways in which it is weaponized against non-white communities.
Ean Thomas Tafoya and Rebecca Curry Opinion Piece on Colorado's Environmental Justice Act
DU Community-Engaged Research
The Color of Water: This project works to engage government agencies, institutions of higher education on the topic, and communities of color in the realm of water and climate justice. Built upon Dr. Tom I. Romero, II’s path breaking article, The Color of Water: Observations of a Brown Buffalo on Water Law and Policy in Ten Stanzas , the project is building new pathways for local and state government agencies to partner with, collaborate on, and readily as well as meaningfully share data, develop research questions, and disseminate information with Colorado's under-served communities on issues of water. Community Partner: Colorado People's Alliance (COPA). Read more here
Ecojustice Community in Colorado
RAGE Podcast Climate Justice Series
Episode 1: Listen to the IRISE RAGE podcast interview of Miguel de la Torre, Director of the Center for Eco Justice at Iliff School of Theology and author of Gonna Trouble the Water .
Episode 2: Listen to this episode, featuring Dr. Nadiia Kim, author of Refusing Death: Immigrant Women and the Fight for Environmental Justice in L.A.
Episode 3: Dr. Linda Mendez Barrientos, to be released in April. Stay tuned!