The R.A.G.E. Podcast episode: Roses in the Concrete – Teaching Liberatory Hip Hop in Urban High School – Ft. Sebastien “Seb” Elkouby

“They took us.”
Those are the stark words of Navajo/Diné elder Helen Waukazoo, who shares her story of being taken to an Indian boarding school in a new animated short film produced by University of Denver Graduate School of Social Work Associate Professor Ramona Beltrán.

What does the FBI, Counter-Intelligence agencies, corporations and even the Russian government have in common? They have all identified Black social media users as a target for tracking, manipulation and disinformation.

As an initial take, I want to provide some working definitions to all of these terms from which our conversation can start.

As an initial take, I want to provide some working definitions to all of these terms from which our conversation can start.